Experience Ride the Night, a New Year’s Eve Special at Aussie World
What would be a fantastic way to ring in 2023? Take the kids to Aussie World on New Year’s Eve for a fun-filled evening of rides, amusements, and entertainment. The Aussie World On the Sunshine Coast, there are a ton of exhilarating rides and attractions at...
Whale Watching on the Sunshine Coast
Do you like whales? The magnificent whales migrate north to warmer waters in the spring and then south again. An expected forty thousand humpback whales will pass through Sunshine Coast waters during their annual migration. It typically runs from June to November, and...
Holidaying on a Budget
Sometimes, the regular grind gets to be too much, and we feel the need to just ‘get away’, somewhere, for a change of scene, to put a different perspective on things. These times when we just need to have a holiday, might also coincide with a time when the...
Why Taking a Break is Important for your Health
There seems to be so much going on all the time these days that it’s challenging to keep track of what is what, and where we are at. The world we live in seems to be going faster and faster, with the focus often on the doing and achieving of results, and...
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